Smart forklift fleets are revolutionizing intralogistics

Meilenstein für Innovation und Effizienzsteigerung im Bereich der Intralogistik: Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss eines Pilotprojekts zwischen duisport und ForkOn, wird die Kooperation nun auf das Flottenmanagement für Gabelstapler erweitert. Bereits 2019 hat ForkOn bei der duisport-Tochter startport Eindruck gemacht.

• Cooperation between duisport and former StartPort startup ForkonTeaser
• A milestone for innovation and efficiency improvement

Duisburg, 16.05.2024

Milestone for innovation and efficiency improvement in the area of intralogistics: Following the successful completion of a pilot project between Duisport and ForkOn, The cooperation is now being extended to fleet management for forklifts. ForkOn already made an impression on the duisport subsidiary startport in 2019.

Forklifts are also becoming smart: The integration of ForkOn's advanced telematics technology into 80 forklifts at the Port of Duisburg at 13 industrial and contract logistics locations in Germany marks a significant step forward in the digitization of intralogistic processes. The partnership with ForkOn underlines duisport's commitment to manufacturer independence and the seamless integration of technologies into logistical processes.

duisport, one of the most important logistics hubs in Europe and the largest inland port in the world, is known for its efforts to innovate and operate efficiently. The first encounter with ForkOn was made possible by the subsidiary startport. ForkOn was able to successfully integrate the innovation platform for logistics startups into its funding program in 2019. ForkOn has now established itself as a leading provider of manufacturer-independent fleet management for forklifts and AGVs.

The partnership not only enables legal requirements to protect against unauthorized use and simplified training and briefing control, but also simplifies and digitizes daily departure control.

Sophisticated sensors

Another important criterion for choosing ForkOn is the sophisticated sensor system, which detects collision damage to equipment and goods and arranges immediate inspection of the equipment by a foreman to ensure a safe workplace for employees.

Alexander Garbar, Head of Corporate Development, Digitalization and Strategy at duisport, emphasizes: “Working with ForkOn enables us to remain at the forefront of innovation and operational efficiency. We are committed to providing world-class solutions that promote competitiveness and sustainability in our operations. ”

Jan Malte Wöhrle, managing director of the Port of Duisburg's industrial logistics division, notes: “With ForkOn, we have found a partner who was able to represent our complex business processes well thanks to the many options. For example, all dialogs can be displayed in multiple languages. The FORKON hardware also meets our requirements very well and was further developed together with ForkOn: Our internal warehouse management solutions also run on FORKON devices, so we were able to reduce the hardware for our employees.

Tim Klauke, CEO of ForkOn, adds: “We are excited to work with duisport to develop custom solutions that meet the company's specific needs. Our intelligent telematics technology offers duisport significant benefits in terms of safety, efficiency and profitability.”

Alessandro Benassi, Managing Director of startport GmbH: “The cooperation between duisport and ForkOn illustrates the important role of startups in addressing and solving existing problems in the logistics sector. It shows how new solutions can be seamlessly transferred from the pilot phase to regular operation. ”